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Most importantly, surrender completely to His love, His forgiveness through Jesus, His ways, and His transformation.
Trust Him! Trust Him to work in you both to will and to do His good pleasure.

This is exciting stuff! This is life's real adventure! Through His Word and His spiritual presence, may we come to know Him as He wants to be known. May we see things more from His perspective and less from our own.

Brother Mark


Saturday, December 7, 2013

My Reason for Being

I want to keep this Post as brief and to the point as possible. I think the Lord keeps speaking to my heart about these things because He wants me to keep focus. This is a high-level review of the simple principles of life.

How do I justify the space I take and the air I breathe in this world? By one thing and one thing only: by walking and growing and fulfilling my small part in His infinitely larger dreams. At the personal level, His dreams are customized for me and for you. Apart from Jesus, I cannot come close to getting my part right, not in a way that He would call right. It's also true that I can't play your part in His dreams and you can't play mine. 

Let's be clear that everything I say about me applies to you, too.

So, what do His dreams include? Since it would be quite arrogant and foolish of me to think I understand more than a smidgen of His plans and dreams, let me say up front that I can only share the glimpse that I have.

1. He is establishing and building the foundation (in and through Jesus Christ) for an eternity's worth of a loving, warm, satisfying, "beyond my wildest dreams" kind of relationship with Him. He wants to have the same with you, I think. And us with each other. We can't even imagine how wonderful it will be.

2. He has work for me to do, tasks for me to accomplish, things to which I will contribute, and stuff in which I play a very small part, especially when when viewed in light of the enormity of what He's doing. That begins here in this life and will roll on throughout eternity. I make that statement, but only He understands the fullness of what it means. He measures productivity, aka fruit, in ways that we understand as well as in ways that are beyond our seeing. Don't worry, His plans and dreams take all of that into account. I don't need to understand it all. Sometimes I don't need even to see any of it. In everything...EVERYTHING...I can always trust that He is busy, very busy, working in and through and around me.

Father, work in us to keep focus on what is true, what is good, and what pleases you. Let us surrender to you in trust and faith, growing into the people you want us to be. Don't leave us the way you find us now. We want to be changed into a people that absolutely float your boat. But please, can you work faster? Much love, growing love! Thank you for loving us so much that you're making it possible for us to be with you!

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