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Most importantly, surrender completely to His love, His forgiveness through Jesus, His ways, and His transformation.
Trust Him! Trust Him to work in you both to will and to do His good pleasure.

This is exciting stuff! This is life's real adventure! Through His Word and His spiritual presence, may we come to know Him as He wants to be known. May we see things more from His perspective and less from our own.

Brother Mark


Friday, December 30, 2016

Thoughts About You

I am so grateful that our Father lets me pray the good things from His heart into your life. He is using all of the circumstances of your life, including the difficult ones -- maybe especially the difficult ones -- to shape you. He is very good at what He does.

I'm wondering about the dreams He has for you. I know just the generalities, and they're very good. Beyond that, I am also convinced that the details will be just as fabulous. It will all be seen when His full story is told.

In the meantime, embrace the mystery. It's a mystery He holds safely in His heart, and it's right to trust His heart. He is writing your part in His story in you, through you, and around you. I must say that the part He is writing for you is a part He really, really likes.

I would love to hear the tale of your life someday, not just the events and timeline, but the heart stuff you share only with someone who really cares about you. That's how God feels about sharing His heart stuff. 

If you really care about Him, He will share His heart with you.

I want to repeat something I've written previously. This is all really simple, beyond all the Scripture and theology. He looks at you and says, "Tell you what, you love Me with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength -- with all you've got -- and I'll love you with all My heart, soul, mind and strength -- with all I've got. Then we'll walk down this path together."

Saturday, September 3, 2016

He's Not Your Drunk Uncle

Most of us know someone like this; maybe he's a relative or an acquaintance, or maybe you've only seen him on TV. Whichever, you'll know what I'm talking about. This person is the guy who shows up at a family reunion or picnic or some other family gathering and may already have had too much to drink. Sooner or later, he spills his paper plate full of food, stumbles around, says the wrong things, and generally makes everyone uncomfortable. Everyone is embarrassed for him, but he doesn't have the sense to be embarrassed for himself. He just doesn't line up with the family's way of doing things. He just doesn't know how to behave. Frankly, when he shows up, everyone groans within themselves and thinks "Oh boy, here we go again." We'll call this man Your Drunk Uncle. He's definitely seen better days. He's your Dad's brother so you have to let him in, but boy, you wish it could be otherwise. 

Okay, you get the picture. Now let's listen in on a gathering of Christians.
Hey, look! Here comes our Heavenly Father! Oh, It's so good when He's here. I wish He'd show up more often! It's so good when He's with us. Oh, look again! It's Jesus! Wow! It's even better when He shows up. Let's make sure He feels really welcome! This is the best gathering ever!

Uh oh, don't look now, but guess who just came in the door. It's the Holy Spirit. Just when things were settling in and going smooth, too. What is He going to do this time? Isn't He ever going to learn how to behave? Doesn't He know how He's supposed to act when we get together? After all, we have our way of doing things and He just doesn't fit in!

Monday, August 29, 2016

A Pleasant Life

Probably the most common human view is that it's God's role to make people's lives pleasant. Even many Christians see God that way. When things aren't pleasant, we wonder just how God has messed up this time. Doesn't He love us anymore? Did He ever really love us? Why are we serving God if He doesn't respond in kind? Why are we going to church more or less regularly and sometimes even tithing and usually forgiving others if we feel like it and maybe even sacrificing something because it's the Christian thing to do? Why go through all of that if God doesn't make my life pleasant?

Saturday, August 27, 2016

A Round of Mercy and Rescue, on the House, for the House

I've been thinking a lot lately about the Big Time need the folks on this planet, this nation (oh, this nation!), my family!, ME!, are in fresh need, huge need, overwhelming need of God's mercy and rescue. He has to supply these things, in abundance, or they just aren't going to happen. We cannot fix ourselves. Society can't fix us. Government can't fix us. False religion can't fix us.

That's why I've adapted a line from old TV Westerns about the bartender who yells "Drinks are on the House!", meaning free drinks for everyone in the place. It's usually done to conclude a fight scene or celebrate something big.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Midnight Madness Sale

This is about a strong sense I've had the last few days that, frankly, I don't recall ever having before. Here's what I'm feeling. I'll try to use as few words as possible.

All over the world, the Lord is sweeping people into the Kingdom in huge numbers and at a very rapid rate. He is very much enjoying Himself.

That's pretty much it, except that I also keep getting the sense of a Midnight Madness Sale, the kind that a large store would have the night before Christmas Eve. The kind where people are lined up waiting to get in, then pushing their way in, finally rushing through the store and down the aisles, grabbing things right and left and filling their baskets as fast as they can. A deep sense of haste and excitement and hurry hurry hurry fills the whole place.

Monday, August 22, 2016

The Three Salvations

(I expand on these thoughts in the Post titled "Sanctification, the Middle Stage of Salvation". That Post will make more sense if you read this Post first.)
I'd like to say that Faith and Trust are two sides of the same coin, but there's really far more to it than that. When done right, both Faith and Trust lead to a full dependency upon God's provision and redemption. What He does for us is so overwhelming and immeasurable that I'm likely to understate it no matter how I try not to.

For now, though, I'm leaning towards saying that Faith and Trust are two facets of a many-faceted diamond. In my metaphor, the diamond represents a person's fully reconciled and restored relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That person is now free from God's wrath and ultimate judgement upon all that is unholy, unclean, and incompatible with His essence. A good Bible word that sums up that fully reconciled and restored relationship is "Salvation": Saved from myself, saved from His wrath, saved for His heart's delight.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sanctification, the Middle Stage of Salvation

(This Post will make more sense if you read its companion Post, "The Three Salvations", first.)
I must say that one of the most important things I've learned over the years is that I'm not very good, not at all good, at fixing myself. At best, I can do a little around the edges, adjust around some weakness, put on a happy face, maybe make a new and improved habit or two, but I can't really fix the underlying parts of my essence that still need fixing. These are the deep parts of me that should pass away but don't. They keep hanging around, contaminating how I feel and think and act.

No matter how well we cover and disguise it, what's inside of us will come out some way some how, yes it will. No matter how difficult it is for these things to be fixed, I'm not excused from trying to fix them. I have to try -- woe is me if I don't try! -- but I also recognize that I'm really dependent upon the Holy Spirit to clean the inside of the cup. To be sure, there are days that I can make the outside of the cup look pretty good, but the inside? Let's be transparent and honest.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

The One Thing I Must Have

We all have wish lists of things that we'd like. Take a moment now and think about what's on your wish list.

Maybe your wish list includes things like "I want my loved ones to be healthy, to be happy, to love the Lord and walk with Him all of their lives." The list may also include good health, more money, a better job, less debt, and freedom from some sin or pattern of failure. It could go down to things like a new roof for your house, a new car, new appliances and furniture. There are many other altruistic things that may be on your list, such as the desire to be fruitful in His service.

Like many folks, I've experienced great loss. I don't consider any of it exceptional, but it's been nonetheless very hard.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Humble, Contrite, & Broken vs. a Heart of Stone

God is not looking for ways to keep you or anyone else out of heaven. Quite the contrary: He's looking for ways to get you in.
The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)

Friday, July 29, 2016

The Ultimate Deal

Sometimes I over-simplify things; sometimes I over-complicate things. With that in mind, I'm going to very briefly share what I think God's ultimate deal is for us. I hope you can give me grace.

God is not a TV pitchman. This isn't a Two-fer. He's not like the fast-talking guy who names a price for something, then says "But Wait! There's More!", before finishing with "Just pay separate Shipping and Handling."

But He does have the most incredible deal ever for us. It's His best deal and you'll never see another one like it. 

Saturday, July 23, 2016

A Vigorous, Firm Grip

God has always had a firm grip on things. I can't imagine that He's ever NOT been vigorous, but I've never sensed it like this. I don't know why He's making this truth come extra-alive in my heart at this time, but He is. Maybe this is for you to grab hold of. Maybe it's just so that I can pray with more confidence and force in these perilous times. Whatever God's reason, I feel strongly that I'm supposed to share this with you.

Looking back through history and looking around at the perilous times in which we live, it doesn't feel as though His grip is all that firm. But Scripture is clear in many places: He will have His way with His creation. As the Psalmist said to the Lord, "All things serve You." (Psalm 119:91).

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Psalmist's Cry is My Cry

These passages from Psalms speak to where my heart is this morning. May He grant us mercy!

Psalm 130    
Out of the depths I have cried to You, O LORD;
Lord, hear my voice! Let Your ears be attentive To the voice of my supplications.
If You, LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?
But there is forgiveness with You, That You may be feared.
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, And in His word I do hope.
My soul waits for the Lord More than those who watch for the morning— Yes, more than those who watch for the morning.
O Israel, hope in the LORD; For with the LORD there is mercy, And with Him is abundant redemption.
And He shall redeem Israel From all his iniquities.
Psalm 119:173-176 
Let Your hand become my help, For I have chosen Your precepts.
I long for Your salvation, O LORD, And Your law is my delight.
Let my soul live, and it shall praise You; And let Your judgments help me.
I have gone astray like a lost sheep; Seek Your servant, For I do not forget Your commandments. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Who Owns Who

The Bible tells us that all things were made through Jesus, by Jesus, and for Jesus (Colossians 1:16). All things. Everything. There's not anything or any being (including every angel and heavenly creature, demon or devil) anywhere that doesn't fit under the umbrella of that phenomenal statement. I don't understand why He has, to this point, allowed evil. But my lack of understanding doesn't change the fact of His purposeful ownership.

He is the Owner of it All. He doesn't share ownership. He's not part of a Board of Directors. He doesn't need anyone's approval or advice. He doesn't have to build a consensus, get agreement, or take a vote. There's not anyone He asks for advice, not anyone from whom He seeks approval. He is the owner; we are the owned. His ownership is without limits and our being owned is without limits.

He gets to do anything He wants anytime He wants and He never ever owes any of us an explanation.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A Prayer and Blessing

My prayer is that His wonderful plans be what you walk in, that the purposes and transforming power behind those plans fill your soul, and that your heart may grow in embracing and knowing His presence. I want your life to be soaked in His special love for you. I want His dreams for you to be so deeply and richly fulfilled that He will look at you and say, "It was all worth it. I can't wait to spend eternity with you."

I pray that your day will include these things: that today you will experience a God set-up, a God-given adventure and encounter, and His sweet gentle touch saying that He loves you. Plus, that all of this will prepare you for a huge outpouring of His presence in your life.

I really really really want the best for you. Seeing you fulfilled in Him and experiencing the life He is designing would bring me great joy. Him, too! And, of course, you. And it would be great for your loved ones. My heart yearns for that.

Keep growing in Him. Nothing will be wasted on that path. May your decision to wait for God's best grow deeper roots in your soul.

Remember that His intention in this phase of your life isn't to frustrate or test you. His whole heart is bent on blessing you by bringing you to a place where His dreams and plans for you are fulfilled. He loves you so much!

He loves the future He will have with you! Among all of the other things He is doing, God is preparing you for His best and is preparing His best for you. That you can be sure of.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Loving God, Loving People

There's an old joke that goes "I love the human race; it's people I can't stand." That's funny because there's so much truth in it. It's also a very sad reflection on the human heart.

Without question, people in the world are deceived and deceive themselves. But that often goes for Believers, too. Oh, yes, we can be very good at deceiving ourselves. For instance, Jesus makes it very clear that we are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. As Believers, though, it's easy to become busy with "Christian activities" and convince ourselves that we love Him more than we really do.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Prayer of Christian Renewal

Heavenly Father, I’m here to renew and reaffirm my relationship with you. I want to be the person You want me to be, but I struggle with things in my actions, heart, and thoughts that I know aren't pleasing to you. Like an arrow that misses its mark, I fall helplessly short. It feels like my very essence is corrupted and I can’t fix myself. I want to change but have learned that I can’t do it on my own. 

I believe that Jesus paid the full price for me – body, soul, and spirit – for the past, the present, and the future - through His death on the cross and His blood that He shed for me. I accept your sacrifice, Lord Jesus, and the price you paid for me. I can do nothing to add to what you've done.

Please forgive me of all of my sins, all the things that are ugly in my heart and thoughts. Set me free from unforgiveness, anger, and bitterness. Cleanse me inside and out. Change me! Rescue me!

Because you rose from the dead and now live as Lord of all, I give ownership of myself — all that I have been and all that I ever will be — to You. I declare that You are the Potter and I am your clay. Have your way with me, whatever You want, however You want. Turn me into clay that You can work with. Turn me into clay that pleases You.

Lord Jesus, establish your rule in my heart. Change me from the inside out so that my whole life – everything about me – reflects your Lordship, your love, your character, and your dreams for your creation. Only You can keep me from continuing to fall short. I want to know You far more than I know you now! I want to see your dreams fulfilled! Thank you, Lord! In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

When Your Faith Won't Fly

It's great when your faith is strong and things are moving right along. God and you are together knocking down the barriers that arise. You are using your understanding of Scripture along with clear direction from the Holy Spirit to pray and to stand and to push ahead. But what about those times when you simply can't muster the specific faith for a particular issue or situation? God has an answer for that.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Lucifer's Real Flaw

Most Bible scholars believe that Isaiah 14:12-14 and Ezekiel 28:12-18 tell us about Lucifer's transformation from an incredibly beautiful and powerful angel of light into Satan. Yes, that Satan, the enemy of God, the enemy of all God does, and the enemy of all God loves. Lucifer's once beautiful and pure essence became dark, evil, and unceasingly hateful, all by his own choice to rebel and seek his own glory. Every teaching I've heard on this subject attributes that horrid transformation to Lucifer's pride. I don't dispute that, but I've also come to think there was something missing deeper within him that allowed the fatal flaw of pride to flourish.

Little Picture, Big Pictue

What is God's purpose and God's "end game"? Scripture gives us a partial view of Heaven and Hell, Judgement and Rescue, and the nature of eternity with God. But it doesn't tell us everything about the future. Maybe this is a good time to remember that He is the Potter and we are just clay. He is the Owner; we are the Owned. He gets to do whatever He wants anytime He wants, and He never owes us an explanation. Many times He chooses to give us one, but many times He doesn't. It's His choice, always. But He had something wonderful in mind when He made us, because we were brought into existence for His pleasure and His purposes (Philippians 2:13).

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Unstoppable

Sometimes I get so tired, but then I remember that His agenda is rushing forward and carrying me with it whether I'm tired or not. There is an inevitable, irresistible movement to the purposes of God. In a sense, I'm just along for the ride. My occasional fatigue may bother me, but it doesn't slow God down one bit. His movement through time and space doesn't depend on me or, for that matter, on you. That, my friend, is good news for both of us.

God always has been and always will be unstoppable. I imagine Him sweeping everything with His broom; nothing is missed. He pushed His broom throughout the past, He is pushing it in the present, and He will continue pushing it forward through the end of what we call time. He sweeps with specific purpose. His sweeping cannot be delayed, side-stepped, misdirected, confused, blunted, slowed down, delayed, detoured, diluted, dammed up, held back, contaminated, avoided, tricked, fooled, or manipulated.