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Most importantly, surrender completely to His love, His forgiveness through Jesus, His ways, and His transformation.
Trust Him! Trust Him to work in you both to will and to do His good pleasure.

This is exciting stuff! This is life's real adventure! Through His Word and His spiritual presence, may we come to know Him as He wants to be known. May we see things more from His perspective and less from our own.

Brother Mark


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Who Owns Who

The Bible tells us that all things were made through Jesus, by Jesus, and for Jesus (Colossians 1:16). All things. Everything. There's not anything or any being (including every angel and heavenly creature, demon or devil) anywhere that doesn't fit under the umbrella of that phenomenal statement. I don't understand why He has, to this point, allowed evil. But my lack of understanding doesn't change the fact of His purposeful ownership.

He is the Owner of it All. He doesn't share ownership. He's not part of a Board of Directors. He doesn't need anyone's approval or advice. He doesn't have to build a consensus, get agreement, or take a vote. There's not anyone He asks for advice, not anyone from whom He seeks approval. He is the owner; we are the owned. His ownership is without limits and our being owned is without limits.

He gets to do anything He wants anytime He wants and He never ever owes any of us an explanation.

That sounds like a very harsh and frightening thing to consider. But it's true anyway, no matter how harsh it seems or whether anyone is frightened by it, or whether any human-centered philosophers approve of it. I can almost hear them now, "Just who does God think He is? Doesn't He know who WE are? Doesn't He know He exists to make our lives better?" Human-centered thinking says people are what's important and God is here to wait on us like some Butler in the Sky. That kind of thinking couldn't be more wrong.

Here it is again: He is the owner; we are the owned. He gets to do anything He wants anytime He wants and He never ever owes any of us an explanation. That may be scary at first, but it's really a very cool, very great truth and isn't scary when we grasp another great truth: His love and plans for us are wonderful and everlasting. He is not capricious, never has been and never will be. He is unchanging love and is fully consistent throughout eternity. He simply wants to reconcile us to Himself.

Love is not just something He does, it's not just a personality trait He adopted, it's not just a cloak He put on. Love is something He is. He doesn't wear love; He is love. The pure essence of love is an inseparable aspect of His very nature. It cannot be compromised and will never change.You might say it's in God's DNA.

Accept these truths, wrap your mind and arms around them. It may take awhile, but keep working on it. And what about not understanding what He's up to? A child doesn't fully understand the reasons a parent has for setting and enforcing boundaries. In the big picture, we are very young children and there's a lot we can't understand. So don't get upset when you don't understand. Trust Him. Trust His heart. Trust His agenda. Nothing will go to waste; He will use it all.

He knows what He's doing. He loves you just the way you are, but He knows He can't leave you in your present condition. He knows that you must be transformed through the very core of your essence before you can spend eternity fully in His presence. So trust Him to do the job. You'll be glad you did.

He made this creation to bring Him great happiness. As the tale of fallen angels and fallen mankind has unfolded, there's been much more grief than happiness in it for Him. The present condition of this creation pains His heart deeply. That's going to change. He's not going to go through eternity putting up with the present state of aggravation. His heart's pain will come to an end.

He is quite excited about the coming change. He is delighted to give the Kingdom to His redeemed sons and daughters (Luke 12:32), a Kingdom filled with His love for us and with our love for Him, a Kingdom where love is the main course for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He will delight in it and so will we.

Actually, I don't think I've said that strong enough. He will WALLOW in the love, beauty, and fun of it with us. He will indulge Himself in the loving relationships He has with His redeemed sons and daughters. It will bring Him so much delight and happiness that, as bad as things are now, He will finally be able to say to Himself, "It was worth it."

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