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Most importantly, surrender completely to His love, His forgiveness through Jesus, His ways, and His transformation.
Trust Him! Trust Him to work in you both to will and to do His good pleasure.

This is exciting stuff! This is life's real adventure! Through His Word and His spiritual presence, may we come to know Him as He wants to be known. May we see things more from His perspective and less from our own.

Brother Mark


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

It Really Is All About Jesus

When you boil everything down, this creation really is all about Jesus and His plans. It's His story. We are simply characters in His play, on His stage, in His theater. He owns the whole nine yards.

No matter what anyone says, Jesus is not a character on our stage. He's not an actor in our play. We exist for Him, not the other way around.  

At this point, you may be asking "If it's all about Jesus, what's in it for me?" The one word answer is "Everything".

Many people say this Cosmic Theater was started by some guy they call Mister Big Bang and that life was then created by his partner, Fat Chance. But they're wrong. Whatever process and chain of events God used didn't just happen on their own. No, God spoke it all into being. Psalm 33:9, Hebrews 11:3.

This creation isn't a time-share or a co-op. It's not a democracy or even a republic. It's a Kingdom, His Kingdom, from A to Z, intended to fulfill His many-layered purposes.

In this episode, I'm pulling from other God’s Clay God’s Way episodes and adding some fresh thoughts. So stick with me. Read your Bible, check out other episodes, and stick with me.

Scripture is clear. Speaking of Jesus, the Triune God made everything through Him, by Him, and for Him. John 1:10, Hebrews 1:2, and Colossians 1:16.

Everything was created for God's own plans and purposes, driven by His overwhelming desire to give and receive love. That's the reason He started it all. That's the reason He's letting it proceed just awhile longer in spite of all the ugliness and rebellion against Him.

Let me read Psalm 33:10-11 from the NIV:

The Lord foils the plans of the nations; He thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations.

He is in love with love. Our Lord craves more and more souls in whom to indulge His everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3. Because He wants more people in eternity with Him, He's giving humanity more time, knowing that many more will turn to Him. 

He has big plans that He's excited about. For Jesus and those who love Him, it's all building up to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. It's going to be quite the celebration, much more than a meal. You can read about it in Revelation 19:6-7. Jesus is the Groom. His Bride will be all the Born-Again people He bought and transformed for Himself.

Sadly, many people reject His forgiveness, love, and ownership. They reject His plan and His rescue. Those folks won't be at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. For them, the end game is the Lake of Fire, forever alienated from the Life of God.

When people reject the salvation that Jesus freely offers, they bring absolute and total damnation on themselves. They're forcing God's hand and leaving Him no option. For more on that, check out the God's Clay God's Way episode titled "God's Love vs Hell".

The Lord gave you free will. As long as you're in this world, it's your choice to either follow Him or reject Him. Jesus wants you but won't force you. While you're still here, you must choose to turn your life over to Him. After your life here ends, it will be too late to make that choice. You can reject Him here, but you won't escape the consequences there if you do.

On a personal note, because it really is all about Jesus, He's changing me to care more about what's on His heart than I do about what's on mine. Being born again is an event, but what follows is a process. As I surrender to that process, I'm becoming a better fit for His good plans. Romans 12:2 calls it being transformed by the renewing of our minds. The same process is calling each Believer. 

You and I exist to play a part in His awesome dreams for Himself, nothing more and nothing less. That's a very good thing, because His dreams for Himself include His very good dreams for us. Because it's really all about Jesus, when His dreams win, we win.

Don't be fooled, though. Following His dreams will come at a cost. But whatever we may give up isn't worth haggling about. What we gain from Him is completely beyond compare.

We are an integral part of His plans. We are so important to Him that Romans 8:29 says we are being molded into His image, sharing His inward likeness. Now that's an amazing, incredible statement! It's almost too much to believe, but that's what it says. 

In transforming us, the Lord Jesus let's nothing go to waste. He uses it all for our good. Somehow, He even manages to bring good out of the evil Satan sends to destroy us. Genesis 50:20, John 10:10, & Romans 8:28.

God's plans for us go far beyond our time here, far beyond our release from these temporary earth suits. In fact, our time in these earth suits is just getting things started.

Because of Jesus, Father God delights in showing love, forgiveness, mercy and grace to the sons and daughters Jesus purchased with His death on the cross. Luke 12:32. 

  • Because of Jesus, Believers are forgiven, cleansed, and born-again. 
  • Because of Jesus, you and I are being customized to be a good fit in Heaven.
  • Because of Jesus, He works to put His character and nature on display, producing His life in us by the Holy Spirit.

It's as though Jesus says to you "Love Me with all you've got, I'll love you with all I've got, then we'll just walk down this road together."

It really is all about Jesus. It doesn't get any better than that.

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